All natural face wash

From the last post, we learned how to make apple cider vinegar for cheap! Please refer to that process and start with making or buying your apple cider vinegar. Once you have that strained fill a spray bottle half up with it. Then steep some green tea. Once it is cooled, add it to the spray bottle and shake them together. That's it! I've been using it as a face wash for months and I love it. My face feels clean and refreshed. I always follow it with some all-natural beef tallow moisturizer that has my face feeling just right. I have some linked above but if you want to go a more bang for your buck route, just make it yourself. But I would like to mention that unlike the hair rinse above, you want to use a smaller spray bottle for your face because you use far less.

5/8/20241 min read

white and black glass bottle
white and black glass bottle

Natural living insights